Isaiah 27:6: “Those who come He shall cause to take root in Jacob; / Israel shall blossom and bud, / And fill the face of the world with fruit.”

August 21st, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional

The prophet Isaiah was describing what Israel will be like in the last days, at the second return of the Messiah. Although these verses were a mystery to Bible students up until the last century, they are not a mystery anymore. In our day we have seen the Lord put a desire into the hearts of Jews around the world to return to the Promised Land. Even though the land of Israel was deforested and overgrazed for 2000 years, and mosquito-infested swamps ran the length of the land, Jews returned, wanting to buy back the land. These new owners planted trees by the millions and drained the swamps, reclaiming the land. And now Israel, as this verse declared, is the second largest exporter of fruits in the world and the third largest exporter of flowers.

This promise of physical blossoming and budding has a spiritual meaning as well. Someday soon, this restored Israel will suddenly see that the Messiah has returned for a second time to rule and reign from the Mount of Olives. And He will fill the earth with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, righteousness, peace. The millennial reign of the Messiah will be a time of God’s goodness filling the whole earth. In Washington D.C. inside the Library of Congress, you can find a powerful witness to this truth. In the Main Reading Room above the figure representing History are these words from Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem In Memoriam: “One God, One Law, One Element, and One Far-Off Divine Event, to which the Whole Creation Moves.”

“LORD, come quickly we ask.”