Archive for the ‘devotional’ Category

Isaiah 1:18: “‘Come now, and let us reason...

July 26th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
In this first chapter of Isaiah, we find a startling invitation from God the ...

Song of Solomon 8:6: “Set me as a seal upon...

July 25th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
The bride says she wants to be the most valued thing in her bridegroom's ...

Song of Solomon 7:10: “I am my beloved’s,...

July 24th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
As we are reading the Song of Songs as Jesus speaking to us and ...

Song of Solomon 6:1: “Where has your beloved...

July 23rd, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
We are told that this is the choir (The Daughters of Jerusalem) responding, "Where ...

Song of Solomon 5:6: “I opened for my beloved,...

July 22nd, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
In this verse, the bridegroom knocked at the door, but the bride was slow ...

Song of Solomon 4:12: “A garden enclosed /...

July 21st, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
"A garden enclosed" is a familiar title and theme often used for young single's ...

Song of Solomon 3:11: “Go forth, O daughters...

July 20th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
It doesn't take much imagination to see how this verse is symbolic of the ...

Song of Solomon 2:14: “O my dove, in the clefts...

July 19th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
If we treat this verse as most historic Christian expositors do, as Jesus speaking ...

Song of Solomon 1:1–2: “The song of songs,...

July 18th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
1 Kings 4:32 tells us that King Solomon wrote 1005 songs, and this one ...

Ecclesiastes 12:6: “Remember your Creator before...

July 17th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Solomon uses 4 metaphors for death that were familiar to his ancient readers. The ...

Ecclesiastes 11:1: “Cast your bread upon the...

July 16th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
This verse is talking about throwing the seeds used to grow grain for bread ...

Ecclesiastes 10:1: “Dead flies putrefy the...

July 15th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Solomon held wisdom very highly and warned us here that it can easily be ...

Ecclesiastes 9:10: “Whatever your hand finds...

July 14th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
When Solomon said, “Whatever your hand finds to do,” he was acknowledging that there ...

Ecclesiastes 8:11: “Because the sentence against...

July 13th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
God is long-suffering toward the evildoer and seems to put up with an awful ...

Ecclesiastes 7:8–9: “The end of a thing is...

July 12th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
We need to be patient and slow to anger. In our pride, we like ...

Ecclesiastes 6:12: “For who knows what is good...

July 11th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Solomon says that when it really comes right down to it, we don’t know ...

Ecclesiastes 5:2: “Do not be rash with your...

July 10th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
These words might sound familiar to our ears since they are part of a ...

Ecclesiastes 4:9–10: “Two are better than...

July 9th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Many have used this passage as part of their marriage ceremony, and it is ...

Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything...

July 8th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Eternity, to Old Testament people, was not timelessness or absence of time, but rather ...

Ecclesiastes 2:26: “For God gives wisdom and...

July 7th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Some have read this chapter as King Solomon's midlife crisis. If it is, then ...

Ecclesiastes 1:14: “I have seen all the works...

July 6th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
When King Solomon, who is believed to be the author of the Book of ...

Proverbs 31:28: “Her children rise up and call...

July 5th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Godly mothers, this promise requires you to be patient, because this may not happen ...

Proverbs 30:32: “If you have been foolish in...

July 4th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
Here we find one last proverb about keeping our mouths shut. Putting your hand ...

Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no revelation,...

July 3rd, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
The Hebrew word translated here as revelation (vision in the King James) means ...

Proverbs 28:13: “He who covers his sins will...

July 2nd, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
The Living Bible translates this verse: "A man who refuses to admit his mistakes ...

Proverbs 27:21: “The refining pot is for silver...

July 1st, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
The Hebrew word translated here as valued could be better translated tested. Popularity and ...

Proverbs 26:28: “A lying tongue hates those...

June 30th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
One dictionary definition of rumor is "a current story passing from one person to ...

Proverbs 25:2: “It is the glory of God to conceal...

June 29th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
In the days of Solomon, it was part of the king's duty to try ...

Proverbs 24:16: “For a righteous man may fall...

June 28th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
We know that in the Old Testament 7 means complete or continually. This verse ...

Proverbs 23:7: “For as he thinks in his heart,...

June 27th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
In order to live right, we must first think right, and to do that ...

Proverbs 22:1: “A good name is to be chosen...

June 26th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotional
I love the bumper sticker that reads: "He who dies with the most toys ...