Acts 7:9: “And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him.”

April 4th, 2022 by Pastor Ed in devotional

These 2 little words, “but God,” are very important words. They are found 8 times in Genesis and a total of 45 times throughout the Old and New Testament. Here they speak of God invading the life of Joseph, when everything seemed like it was going the wrong way, God was with him and brought about something miraculous. “But God” reminds us of God’s strategic desire to interfere in the lives of people to accomplish His will on planet earth.

Someone said there is no more powerful combination of 2 words in all of Scripture. It can be personally applied in the life of every believer, as evidence of God’s premeditated and intentional longing for us. These 2 words allow believers to climb any mountain, cross any river, and navigate any stormy sea that arises today or in the future. Even though hell may rage against us, accuse us, and attempt to stop the plan of God in us, we are comforted by these 2 words—but God. Over humanities shouts of rejection, God still rules and reigns. In spite of governments, philosophies, and schemes forged against us in the bowels of darkness, we find peace and encouragement in these 2 words—but God. We are and will always be merely God’s servants. But, because we serve God Almighty, we can expect Him to intervene and accomplish all that He intends in our lives, even when we miss exactly what He is doing—but God.

“LORD, how we need Your divine interference in the events of this dawning day. This next 24-hour period will in fact be wasted if You are not directing our path, actions, and words. We want to be able to look back at the end of today and say something like, ‘This would have been a mess—but God . . .'”