Numbers 6:27: “So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”

January 16th, 2023 by Pastor Ed in devotional

The priests were instructed to represent in two directions. First, they were to represent the people to and before the Lord when they went into the tabernacle to sacrifice. Second, the priests were to represent God to the people.

Scripture teaches how completely unapproachable the holy, righteous God is by a fallen, spiritually-dead, sinful man. There is no direct way for a sinful man to come to a holy God. A go-between is needed, and a covering is required for the man’s sin. In the Old Covenant a mediator or an advocate, the priest, was always needed. He would literally “stand and plea” on behalf of the people before God. Here God tells the priests to go out and speak to the people about God. God is saying, “Priests, when you give My Word, this is how I want to be represented.”

Today, more often than not, people put God’s name on other people by cursing them, but here God commanded the Old Testament priests to bless others. The word bless carries with it the meaning to give to, endow upon, and to release to something good. Peter reminds us that in the New Covenant we are all priests, “a priesthood of believers.” Therefore, all believers are called to bless—to give to, endow upon, and to release to something good—other believers.

Here is a great blessing for all times and may it be true of your life today: “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”