2 Chronicles 7:14: “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

September 24th, 2023 by Pastor Ed in devotional

After Solomon completed the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, he dedicated it to the Lord and the Lord’s presence filled the temple. Solomon then reminded God of the covenant He had made with Israel, to bless them if they obeyed His statutes and commandments. Here God tells them (and us) that if they fell into sin, all they had to do was humble themselves, pray, and seek His face and He would forgive and heal them.

A man on the Northern California coast decided that a large cask, weighted and anchored offshore in a bay, would serve as a good duck blind. He rigged one up, and a friend rowed him out and helped him into the barrel. He got so busy shooting at the evening flight of ducks that he didn’t notice that the anchor line had broken, and that he was helplessly floating out on the tide. A light wind blowing offshore sent him out to sea, where a dense fog had settled with the darkness. He feared he was lost. When his partner returned to pick him up from the barrel, the partner guessed his fate and rowed out into the bay, firing his gun and shouting. At last the lost hunter was located and rescued from the sea.

Many fall into sin and drift away from the anchor of the Lord. They are often well on their way toward disaster before they appreciate their danger. Lost in the fog and darkness of doubt and sin, God waits for them to humble themselves and turn toward Him for rescue and forgiveness.

“LORD, we humble ourselves before You, seek Your face, and turn from our sins. Please forgive us and heal our land.”