Psalm 146:3–4: “Do not put your trust in princes, / Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. / His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; / In that very day his plans perish.”

February 27th, 2021 by Pastor Ed in devotional

Here is a wise, general principle for life, which will serve every person well who heeds its advice: “Do not put your trust in princes.” The Hebrew word for princes is nedibim, suggesting human power and capability without God. The word carries with it the idea of a gifted or excellent human being but not necessarily a moral or ethically good person. No matter how gifted a person might be they are vulnerable to failure, either physically, mentally, or ethically, whereas God is never subject to any malfunction.

Of course the main problem with depending on a person is the very limited lifespan of humanity: “they return to the earth.” American evangelist D. L. Moody said it this way:

Trust in yourself, and you are doomed to disappointment; trust in your friends, and they will die and leave you; trust in money, and you may have it taken from you; trust in reputation, and some slanderous tongue may blast it; but trust in God, and you are never to be confounded in time or eternity.

“LORD, we put our trust in You; we rely on and cling to You this day.”