Proverbs 23:7: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. / ‘Eat and drink!’ he says to you, / But his heart is not with you.”

March 26th, 2021 by Pastor Ed in devotional

In order to live right, we must first think right, and to do that we need the mind of Christ. In the New Testament, Paul tells us to put on the mind of Christ. We should ask God to give us His mind and heart each and every day. In essence, what we think is what we are, so we need to regularly ask ourselves: “What am I thinking?” What is on our mind is easily reflected in our actions.

When God commanded His children to go into the Promised Land, they sent 12 spies to see if they could take possession of the land. Ten of the spies came back and spread hopelessness and fear among the people of God, while 2 declared that with God’s help they could take the land. Everyone listened to the 10 and refused to go in. Because of their disobedience to God’s command, they were all forbidden to enter. Finally when only the 2 spies who believed God, Joshua and Caleb, were left alive, God sent them back into the land. These 2 had understood the divine principle that if God says, “Go,” obstacles are irrelevant. Keeping their own minds set on God’s faithfulness, they understood that God often chooses the unlikely and even the impossible, from a human standpoint, to accomplish His purpose.

As many wise people have said in several different ways: Watch your thoughts because they become words. Watch your words because they become actions. Watch your actions because they become habits. Watch your habits because they become character. Watch your character because it becomes your destiny.

“LORD, we ask You to give us the mind and heart of Jesus Christ this day.”