Isaiah 16:1: “Send the lamb to the ruler of the land, / From Sela to the wilderness, / To the mount of the daughter of Zion.”

May 9th, 2021 by Pastor Ed in devotional

The prophecy in this verse had an immediate application, about 734 BC, and will also have an application in the last days. We keep in mind whenever we read Old Testament prophecies that there is often both a near fulfillment and a far fulfillment. According to Isaiah 15, the Moabites fled southward, from the Assyrians, to the city of Sela (Petra in Greek), the capitol of the nation of Edom. It is also called the “Rock City” because it is a city built in a rock. Today Petra is an archaeological site and a popular tourist stop in modern day Jordan. Here is the parallel. Just as the Moabites in Isaiah’s day had to flee to Sela, so God’s people, the Jews, in the end times, will have to flee Jerusalem. Jesus foretold this in Matthew 24:15–16.

Although not all biblical scholars agree, many believers are so convinced that Petra is where the Jews will flee, that they are visiting in ever increasing numbers each year, hiding bibles there in anticipation that Jews will need them to understand the times they are living in. Of course it remains to be seen if this is a correct interpretation of this and other verses. However, it does speak well of believers who are trying to be obedient to the “Great Commission.” How we need to be careful at the local-church level to be sure that we continue to participate in Jesus’ command to take the Good News into the world. It seems for most churches that the longer they stay in existence, the more time, energy, and money is diverted away from leading people to Jesus and into church programs.

C.T. Studd was born into a wealthy family and grew to become a gifted, nationally-known British athlete. But after coming into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, he put it all aside to go to the mission fields of China, India, and then Africa. At one point, he was so deep into his work that he had no contact with the West for 13 years. Why would someone leave everything behind to take the Good News to anyone who would listen? Studd explained his actions when he wrote: “Some people love to dwell near church with choir and steeple bell. But I want to run a rescue station a yard from the gates of hell.”

“LORD, please give us an opportunity to share Your love with someone new this day.”