Isaiah 42:3: “A bruised reed He will not break, / And smoking flax He will not quench; / He will bring forth justice for truth.”

June 4th, 2021 by Pastor Ed in devotional

During Isaiah’s time, reeds grew along the riverbanks, and kids would break them and toss them into the water. There were thousands of them so one single broken reed wasn’t important, and besides, they weren’t good for flutes any longer once they were damaged. Also in Isaiah’s day, flax was tightly woven and soaked in olive oil to make wicks for lamps. The flax would burn brightly until the oil was burned away, then the fire would begin to die. The light would grow dimmer, and finally, just before the wick was snuffed out completely, it would begin to give off only smoke.

The bruised reed and smoking flax are beautiful word pictures for the person who has been so tossed by the difficulties of life that they feel battered and bruised, or the person who is exhausted and burnt out in their Christian lives. This verse is promising that the Messiah will support and comfort those who are hurt and weak. Matthew 12:20 repeats this verse and points to Jesus as the Messiah. We have all “burnt dimly” from time to time in our lives. And when the Messiah finds us, He carefully blows on our wicks of faith so that they flame up and again burn bright.

One example of a bruised reed or a dimly burning wick was the woman caught in adultery. When Jesus saw her, she was about to be stoned. The men accusing her wanted to break this bruised reed and toss it out of the way. Jesus, while not condoning her sin, restored her, and at the same time, challenged those who would kill her to look at their own hearts. Jesus still will not break, crush, or bruise anyone seeking to know Him and grow in Him. Do you feel bruised? Has your wick been smoking lately instead of burning brightly? Come to Jesus and be restored.

“LORD, thank You that You love us through the dark nights and the bruising days. Please walk with us this day we ask in Jesus’ name.”