Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

July 31st, 2021 by Pastor Ed in devotional

This well-known Scripture came to Jeremiah while he was in prison for the crime of faithfully delivering God’s message to the people of Judah. He had been prophesying for years that judgment was coming, but the people refused to believe him, and instead believed the false prophets who predicted peace. So this tremendously encouraging word from God came to Jeremiah when he was down, dejected, and discouraged. God often comes to us when we are down to remind us just to call on Him. Calling on God simply means praying to Him for His help. Since we have never met anyone who claims they pray often enough, we can assume that all believers need this kind of reminder daily. A prayer yesterday does not make another one today unnecessary.

Many years ago a Massachusetts newspaper reported on a Sunday service. It contained the following description of the prayer: “The most eloquent prayer ever addressed to a Boston audience.” This is the problem with many prayers heard in public meetings all over the world; they are addressed to the wrong audience. When we call out to God, we must be praying to our Heavenly Father in heaven and not to a human audience here on earth. Only God has the power to answer us and show us “great and mighty things.”

“Our Father, who art in heaven, we seek You this day to direct our lives in everything we say and do. Amen!”