» Statement of Faith
Who and What we Seek to Be
Packinghouse Redlands has been formed as a fellowship of believers under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge all who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as fellow members of the body of Christ, the Church, and we welcome all genuine believers into the fellowship we enjoy with Him. Our supreme desire is to know Christ, to be conformed into His image and to make Him known.
We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations, only the over-emphasis of doctrinal differences that have led to divisions in the Body of Christ. This is not to say that we ignore doctrinal error. We must respond to and correct error whenever possible but always in the Spirit of Meekness and Love.
We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowship is His (Agape) love, which is far greater than any differences we may possess and without which we have no right to claim ourselves to be authentic Christians.
We Believe: Worship of God should be spiritual. – John 4:24
Therefore: We remain flexible and yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship.
We Believe: Worship of God should be inspirational. – Psalm 33:1-3
Therefore: We give a great place to music in our worship.
We Believe: Worship of God should be intelligent. – Psalm 47:7
Therefore: Our services are designed with emphasis upon the teaching of the Word of God.
We Believe Worship of God is fruitful – Colossians 1:9-11
Therefore: We look for the fruit of His Love in our lives as the outward manifestation that we have been truly worshiping Him.
We Believe
… the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God (2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Timothy 3:16).
… there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Hebrews 1:8, Acts 5:3-4).
… in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1, John 20:28), His virgin birth (Luke 1:34), His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15), His miracles (John 20:28), His vicarious and atoning death (1 Corinthians 15:3), His bodily resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:4), His Ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19), His imminent return to this earth in power and glory to rule for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4).
… the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ (1 John 1:7-10, John 3:16-21).
… regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for salvation (John 3:3-8), Ephesians 2:8-10).
… in healing of the human body, mind, and soul in answer to believing prayer (Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103:3, James 5:16, 2 Corinthians 12:9).
… in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and more continually being given to believers who ask (Luke 3:16;11:13, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, Ephesians 5:18).
Last Modified: 08/03/11 |
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