Psalm 124:6–7: “Blessed be the LORD, / Who has not given us as prey to their teeth. / Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; / The snare is broken, and we have escaped.”
May 9th, 2024 by Pastor Ed in devotionalIn that day, fowlers were professional bird-catchers who captured birds by spreading a net on the ground and attaching it to a spring trap or snare. They then sprinkled grain or some other attractive food on the ground over the trap of netting. When the bird ate the corn, the trigger on the trap would spring, and a net would close over the bird, capturing it. Fowlers made their income from the captured birds, selling some as pets and others, like doves and pigeons, as sacrifices. David used this picture to remind us that it is God who keeps evil (the fowler) from us and us from evil, over and over again daily.
Proverb 1:17 also talks about the fowler’s snare: “Surely, in vain the net is spread / In the sight of any bird.” If a bird can actually see a fowler setting a trap, it will never go near it, but will just fly away. Satan and hell has an army of crafty, skilled fowlers, who are laying nets to snare people’s souls and devour their lives. They don’t set them where we can see them, but rather in secret, away from our view. Maybe a snare has recently trapped you, and as you read this, you are currently snared. Was it a large, old habit like drugs or sex, or something smaller like lying or stealing? Maybe right now you are blaming yourself, thinking, “I was free, like a bird, flying, singing, and soaring in the heavens. How did I let this thing grab me?”
OK, you blew it, but what are you going to do about it now my friend? Beating ourselves up is a complete waste of time and never gets us out of the net anyway. David knew that well and reminds us that the Lord will not allow us to be the enemy’s victim if we simply return to Him. Believer, that small bird is you, snared by the net of sin. Small birds cannot possibly get out by their own strength and power. Repent by turning from the sin and confessing it to the Lord, and you will fly free again.
“LORD, forgive us again for our sins that we fall so easily into, stumbled by our own selfishness, stupidity, and weakness. Thank You, LORD, for Your everlasting mercy and forgiveness.”