Raelynn Rea

Do It

Some advice someone gave me when I began this particular journey a few months ago was that after the surgery, after I had been given a few days of pain meds and told to take them every four hours, do it. Stay ahead of the pain. I did that and I stayed ahead of the …

Raelynn Rea


Good morning! I thought I would update those of you who have been asking. I am three weeks out from my second surgery and healing and starting to get my energy level back, which is nice. My arm is feeling good. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. At the moment, I am …

Raelynn Rea

Quick Update

I thought I would post a quick little update. I had a couple rough days last week as I developed an infection and felt pretty ill for a few days. But the  Lord has carried me through, and I’m feeling much better. We are up here in the canyon awaiting the wind event and knowing  …