
In mid 2020, Raelynn (the wife of Pastor Ed) was diagnosed with cancer. She has been chronicling her journey, both physically and spiritually, on Facebook. And a really special community has sprung up there as the body of Christ has come together to pray for and walk this journey with her. The Lord has been meeting her and the many people who follow her. Hopefully, it will also meet anyone who comes here and reads her words and the words of her commenters.

Feel free to comment on this blog site and join in the blessing of trusting the Savior and choosing joy in the difficult journeys.

excerpt from Raelynn’s first Facebook post about her diagnosis:

We never know the direction that our lives will turn when we least expect it. In early June [of 2020] I began a journey.

I found that lump that every woman fears. It turned out to be invasive ductal cell carcinoma.

One thing I know, the promises of God are real and true and something we can hold on to in any circumstance. The level of peace and joy that I am experiencing is beyond anything the world can offer, beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before. His presence makes anything possible.

I’m not impervious to the mental and emotional impact of dealing with the fact that I have cancer. But I know where to go to obtain the strength to walk this walk and the endurance and even the joy and peace that I’m already finding in the midst of this. Amazing!!!! I am still a blessed woman! Your prayers are much appreciated.

—Raelynn Rea, August 2, 2020 on Facebook