Raelynn Rea

Overflowing Heart

Good morning! What a beautiful day! Today I choose joy, and I receive peace and love and the assurance of my salvation! He is the joy of my salvation. I wanted to let you all know that your prayers are working. My burns are healing, the worst one is almost gone completely and the other …

Raelynn Rea

Walk Upon the Waters

My faith will stand! And I will walk upon the waters!

Raelynn Rea

My View

My view as I walked today. I get to enjoy all this beauty right out behind my house. God sure knew what He was doing when He showed this little house to Ed and I all those years ago. He knew I would need this. My soul is refreshed every time I come out here. …

Raelynn Rea


I’m done! Wow! I can hardly believe it is over. Now for the final surgery. Again, your prayers and support have meant so much. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. Wednesday is the last day of Women’s Bible Study. I am going to come by to see everyone! I’m so excited to …

Raelynn Rea

Cancer Treatment is Over

Soooooo . . . . . . tomorrow! tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow . . . Last day of radiation! Cancer treatment is over!!!!! Wow! And all of you, you have been so faithful to stay with me and encourage me and shower me with so much love! Gifts! Food! Cards! Notes! And Prayers! The …

Raelynn Rea


Good Morning! What a beautiful day! God is on His throne and all is in His control! I have 4 more radiation treatments and then a surgery to remove a tumor in my abdomen on May 6. I will be going to UCLA for that surgery. There is a team of surgeons who specialize in …

Raelynn Rea

Facing Struggles

I read this on a post from a missionary friend. She and her husband have served the Lord their entire lives and are now going through a terrible struggle. It really encouraged me and I hope it does you too as you face your own personal struggles. I’m am choosing to focus on all the …

Raelynn Rea

3/4 of the way

Good Morning! Update! As of today, I am 3/4 of the way through radiation. My skin has held up pretty well through the process; although now I am starting to get radiation burns. I am trying to stay on top of it as I, of course, don’t want it to get too bad. But I …

Raelynn Rea


Oh my goodness! Ed brought home a big bag filled with all kinds of goodies this afternoon. My Friday morning ladies! You are so dear and so precious! What wonderful cards and notes and what wonderful treats! You truly blessed my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you. If you were in …

Raelynn Rea

His Creation

I went to sleep early last night. I woke up about one in the morning with thoughts of a dear friend on my mind, so I sent her a message and prayed for her. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I grabbed a towel and went outside and climbed into the jacuzzi. What a …