Raelynn Rea

Choose Joy

This is a much better picture.

As I sat in a very, very comfortable chair today, with my feet up, enjoying the view outside my window of a beautiful fall tree and blue sky, and chatting with a very sweet lady across from me having her infusion, I glanced back out the window and lo and behold! What did I find stenciled on the window that I had been gazing out of and didn’t see? Choose Joy. Wow!

We can miss that sign from God can’t we? Got it, Lord! I choose joy. I have been extraordinarily blessed these first 2 treatments by having hardly any side effects. I know that chemo is cumulative. I could feel a little bit more the second round than I did the first, and I fully expect to feel more the third round then I did the second. Most everybody ends up feeling like they’ve been run over by a truck a couple times. That’s OK. It’s part of the process.

Just know that you may find one morning, if you glance at my Facebook page, that I am a tiny bit grumpy and whiny. I’ll try real hard not to be grumpy and whiny. But through it all, there is one thing I know for sure, that I have an amazing, amazing group of prayer warriors that will overlook my grumpiness and my whining and redirect me back to that window that says, “Choose joy!”

I remain a blessed woman!