Raelynn Rea

An Update

A few days ago, I told you that I had completed my chemo and was getting ready to start radiation but I had to complete a couple tests first. Those test turned out to show that my cancer has spread in spite of the chemo. I am going to hopefully find out a little bit more this week as to what exactly the plan is going forward. We are going to try to locate a specialist and, hopefully, find an immunotherapy that will work for me.

The morning I was to go and pick up my pathology report, I woke up with the most amazing sense of peace and joy. It has lasted throughout the diagnosis and the pathology findings. I am amazed at how God has carried me. None of us know our future. But what we do know is that our days were numbered and written in the book of life while we were still yet in our mother’s womb.

It doesn’t really matter what finally takes us home, we won’t go home until God says it’s time. In the meantime, I want to use this time to draw as close to Him as I can, learn as much about Him as I can, share as much about Him as I can, and use this experience to glorify Him. He is broadening my testimony! His eye is on me and I can feel it. I feel so loved, and I have so much joy and peace that is ridiculous in this situation, but it’s from my heavenly Father. And I am so thankful for the gift.