Raelynn Rea

First Round of Chemo


Just wanted to check in with all of you and let you know I am doing fantastic! I am completely back to normal this morning. The only issues I had with the first round of chemo was a slightly fuzzy head (but that could be perfectly normal in my case). I don’t have much appetite (and that is not normal in my case). But I can work with it. It will be a new experience making myself eat, ha ha.

I know that the affects from chemo are cumulative, but I am thanking the Lord for His grace on me. I’m going to try to be a good girl and not do too much and not ride my pony and not clean rain gutters like I would like to. Ha! I know Who is carrying me through this. And I’m basking in the level of joy and peace that He has given me.

I’m sure you all know that story of the foot prints in the sand. I think my story is a tiny bit different in the fact that as He carries me, He periodically puts me down and we dance and we play and then He pops me back up on his shoulders and off we go again. I have chosen joy, and He has responded by flooding me with it.

He knows what to do to bring peace and joy to my heart. It’s in the little things. This year we have had a flood of bunnies in our yard like I have never seen before in all the years we’ve lived here. And of course, I had to try to make friends with them. It has been quite successful. They now come when I call them, sometimes six or eight of them at a time, and I feed them blueberries and carrots. And we all sit around, and it’s quite the experience. I sort of feel like Snow White. They have actually eaten out of my hand. Come spring time I might be in deep trouble here, but I’ll enjoy every minute of it.