Raelynn Rea

Stop and Look Around

I have been fighting an infection lately, which has me down a little more than I’d like to be. But as I was laying down today to take a little nap, I heard something outside my window. It was a little frog, and he was chirping happily out there and it made me smile.

It made me think about all the hundreds of little things that God does around us to bring us joy and pleasure that we miss on a daily basis. This journey through cancer has reminded me to stop and look around me and observe and feel the hand of God through nature, through kind acts from other people towards me, and even through both good as well as bad circumstances. I’m trying to remind myself to look for Him everywhere. In the everyday mundane things, as well as the surprise encounters with people. And, also, I’m trying to look for those opportunities to reach out into this world of unhappiness and fear and sorrow and offer a little bit of joy to others. Maybe it’s just a compliment, maybe it’s just looking someone right in the eye and talking to them about how their day is going. It’s amazing to me that looking for joy as well as giving out joy ends up making you feel better, because God multiplies it and hands it back to you tenfold. Next time you’re in a restaurant, look at your waiters name tag and speak to them by name. It’s a small personal touch but you never know if that will make somebody’s day. And all of this rambling simply because there was a little froggy outside my window!

I pray that your day is a blessed one, because mine is! Choose joy!