Raelynn Rea


Good morning, my friends. I’m just going to quickly get you caught up on what’s happening with me. It’s been a pretty rough couple weeks. I was finishing up radiation, and, as radiation can do, it was causing lots of nasty side effects. It was starting to get a little hard to control. My pain level was up, and so they decided to keep me in the hospital for a few days to kind of help get me balanced back out again.

So, it is Saturday morning, and I’m feeling so much better. And hopefully, I will be able to go home today. I am finished with the radiation, which will make a huge difference in the side effects. I can already feel the difference. God is so gracious and I’ve had so many amazing opportunities to pray with staff people and to share, and it’s been fabulous.

As you probably know, hospitals are funny because they seem to want you to rest, but they wake you up several times during the night to take blood pressure and administer meds and whatnot. I find myself at one in the morning sharing with a nurse about God‘s love and His graciousness and His faithfulness. God never wastes an opportunity.

I have the most amazing oncologist. She is a believer. She has brought me flowers and cards, and she has laid hands on me and prayed with me. Who’s doctor does that? She is a gift from God. I would ask you to pray for her, that God would give her wisdom on how to go about treating my ever increasingly complicated situation. And your prayers for me are, as you know, always always so appreciated.

What an opportunity, God has given me in this to share His love and His hope. There is always, always something good you can find in the worst of situations if you keep your eyes focused on Him.