Penses …
The daily devotional page closes out the Book of Mark and, as has been our pattern, we turn back to the Old Testament and into the book of Leviticus. We continue to work our way through the Bible one chapter a day, hoping Jesus will return before we finish, but looking forward to keeping ourselves in His Word every day. Leviticus has stopped many well intentioned students of the Word in their tracks but it should not be so. Many golden nuggets await the person who will take the time and energy to search and ‘mine’ the spiritual gold from those pages. It is a detailed manual for the priests as to how they were to conduct worship at the Tabernacle. If they would be faithful to offer the sacrifices for sin in the prescribed manner detailed there, then God would be faithful to keep His promise to forgive and judge the repentant sinner guiltless. God continues to be faithful today to forgive the sinner who comes and humbles himself before the cross of the Savior. Grace, sweet grace still being poured out on those today who come bent before Him, recognizing that they are ‘poor in spirit.’
Lord willing, we will continue to update from Germany next week. Please pray for the many believers, pastors and ministry leaders, who are gathering at the church in Siegen to hear a word from the Lord. Shalom, shalom!
Pastor Ed