Through it all …
Years ago as a new believer and a musician I was astounded to find gifted artists like Andrae Crouch singing openly about their very personal relationship with God. Three decades later it is a great joy to have one of his record producers sharing his gifts and fellowshipping with us at The Packinghouse. But one particular line from one of Andre’s songs touched my life deeply back then and I still carry the deep truth of it, thinking of it often. He sang, ‘Through it all, through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus , I’ve learned to trust in God.” One might argue that is the main theme of the Book of Second Corinthians that we are now looking at together over on the Devotional Page. Through all of the Apostle Pauls struggles, trials and persecutions he could sing those words, “I’ve learned to trust in God,” at the top of his voice. In fact I will not be surprised if we find ourselves singing that song together someday soon in heaven. May it be the song in our hearts as we read through God’s Word together a chapter a day.
Learning to depend on His Word,
Pastor Ed