A True Love Story…
On the Devotional Page we are finishing First Corinthians and (as has become our practice) we will now return to read through the next Old Testament book, the Book of Ruth. The book of Ruth has been called a literary masterpiece by non-believers. It is the true story of a young Gentile girl who came out of paganism and idolatry to come into a personal relationship with the living God. It is a very small book that is divided into four chapters and can be easily read in less than half an hour. It may be a tiny book but it does contain a critical component in our understanding of the linage of Jesus the Messiah that can be only found here. It also helps in our understanding of the doctrine of Redemption as presented in the story as Boaz takes the place of a ‘goel’ or kinsman redeemer. So here we have a beautiful love story were we find a type of the gentile bride of Christ being redeemed along with the land (the world). Please do read a chapter a day along with us as we continue to enjoy and grow in God’s word together.
In Him, Pastor Ed